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Thursday, 31 December 2015

New years eve!

Hello everyone! I do hope you had an excellent Christmas. My build up to Christmas was busy, both on the crochet front and all the other stuff that needed doing and since then I have just flopped and done very little.
The manic crocheting before Christmas was making these African Flowers. I had given myself just over a week to make one of Heidi Bears dogs, to be a present for someone. That would have been fine if I hadn't had to go to work too and sort the rest of the shopping and stuff out.
So every spare moment was spent making flowers, sewing ends in and ruining my eyesight for a few days. But I got there in the end!

Isn't he lovely? I am so pleased with how he turned out, his sweet little face and the stout bodies on these animals are just so cuddly. Sorry about the rubbish photos, I had literally finished sewing the nose on about 10 minutes before it was given to my friend so my photo opportunities were limited.

As well as the dog there was the bunting I was making too. I had been so close to finishing it and so excited to see it all made but had a major mess up with the bondaweb and had to wait for more to arrive before I could get it done.
It was my own fault, I hadn't checked the size font I had used to trace my letters and already ironed them on to the felt so couldn't re-use the bondaweb and had to bin it all. Luckily the Amazon fairies arrived in time for me to be able to get it sorted in time to give as another present.
So those are my last things of 2015. It's been a very busy year and I feel like crochet has had to take a back seat for most of it with other 'life' stuff taking priority. This doesn't necessarily make for a happy me though so I am making a promise to myself that 2016 will be a lot woollier :)

Happy New Year, and I hope you have a wonderful, woolly 2016

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