
Thursday 25 September 2014

Baby Granny Stripe Ta-Dah!

Making this baby blanket has been very disjointed. For once I had this and only this on the go but I started this just after I started my new job and my crochet time has been severely limited. I managed to get a few rows a day done and it felt like it took ages, in reality it was only a couple of weeks but not so long ago I would have had it done in a few days. I found this slow progress really frustrating. But yesterday evening I finished the last bit of edging and can now finally proclaim this blanket finished!
 Ahh that is extremely satisfying!
I absolutely love these colours and this yarn is snuggly soft and smooth to crochet with.

So, some info about it.

Yarn - James C. Brett Cotton-on.
Amount - I bought eight 50g balls and it used most of all of them, I still have about 50g left of little scraps altogether.
Cost - Not much at all! This yarn is surprisingly luxurious for the price.
Size - Approx 70cm x 80cm (hope that's OK for a baby blanket?)
Construction - 33 granny stripes, that's 66 granny rows altogether (each stripe being made of two rows) and 16 Granny circles into squares, 8 across each end of the blanket.
Edging - One row of granny clusters, one row of trebles (in lilac). one row of *1DC, Ch 1 skip a stitch* repeat (in pink) then one last row of *1DC in next Ch space, Ch3* repeat.
Enjoyment - Immense!

I was so impressed by this yarn that I treated myself today and bought one 200g ball of this James C. Brett marble chunky. 
As lovely as it is to make a granny stripe blanket I am craving something a little bit more challenging. I don't know if that means a complicated pattern or making something up myself, I have a couple of ideas that I would love to try out and this yarn looks like it might be the very thing I need.
It was difficult picking a colour to buy, I really liked them all and they all had their good points. i picked this as it felt quite autumny and if I get whatever it will be finished in time, it could be quite seasonal. I would love to get one of each colour and make a big winter blanket out of it, maybe more stripes or ripples, ooh ripples would be gorgeous! Another idea for my ever growing list of crochet possibilities :)


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